NutriAfrica ODV
It may seem obvious, but it is not. Your donation can significantly change things. We believe in it, but really a lot. Help make this dream come true, helping those who really need it.
Donate now!
You can choose to support us once, or give us a hand with a periodic donation, the amount of which is up to you. Even a small gesture can make a difference!
Donate your 5x1000
You can donate your 5x1000 to the NutriAfrica ODV Volunteer Organization by entering the Tax Code 95239750631 in the Support section of Third Sector Entities registered in the RUNTS of the Income Tax Declaration.

Bank transfer
You can make a single or recurring donation to the following bank details.
IBAN: IT 07 E 05018 03400 000012394144
In the name of: NutriAfrica ODV
In your tax return
Sign in the first box dedicated to "Support for Third Sector Entities registered in the RUNTS"
Insert the NutriAfrica ODV tax code 95239750631 under your signature
You can donate directly via PayPal at the following link.