Severe Acute Malnutrition (MAS)
Severe Acute Malnutrition (MAS) is a pathological condition that affects approximately thirteen million children worldwide, of which approximately four million die (more than 25%). The main causes of deaths related to MAS are attributable to dysentery and the lack of proteins and mineral salts, introduced at insufficient levels through a qualitatively and quantitatively poor diet.

Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF)
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) is a special food for quick use that can be used in non-severe cases of MAS, in order to prevent children from getting worse and requiring hospitalization. It is a cream with a pasty appearance, to be squeezed directly into the mouth and swallowed, without cooking and without adding water.

NutriMAS is a new RUTF that can be produced directly in Third Countries, using a scalable and sustainable technology, able to adapt to the ingredients available on site. It has also been designed to improve the sensorial acceptability of commercial RUTF, working particularly on meltability, flow and rheological behavior.

Why help us?
Let's fight malnutrition
About 14 million children suffer from Severe Acute Malnutrition, according to UNICEF.
About 4 million live on the African continent.
Production in third countries and the use of local ingredients reduces transportation costs and protects the environment.
We make local communities autonomous and independent from international humanitarian aid.
Technology Transfer
We enable populations to meet their needs and address crises.

With your help, anything is possible.
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